The Judiciary, including Federal Public Defender Organizations (FPDOs), is committed to a workplace of respect, civility, fairness, tolerance, and dignity, free of discrimination and harassment. These values are essential to FPDOs, which hold Federal Public Defenders (FPDs) and their Employees to the highest standards. All FPDs and Employees are expected to treat each other accordingly.
This Plan applies to all FPDOs, FPDs, current and former Employees (including all FPDO law clerks and paid and unpaid interns, externs, and other volunteers), and applicants for FPDO employment who have been interviewed.
Your Employee Rights and How to Report Wrongful Conduct
Federal Public Defender Ninth Circuit EDR Policy (effective 11/21/2024).
Judicial Conduct and Disability Act
Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings
Judicial Conduct and Disability Complaint form
Codes of Conduct and the Judiciary Workplace
Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees
Code of Conduct for Federal Public Defender Employees
Other ethics resources available to the public
EDR Contacts and Resources
James Morgan
Jennifer Yim
Ninth Circuit Office of Workplace Relations:
Office of the Circuit Executive
95 7th St, Ste 429 San Francisco, CA 94103
National Office of Judicial Integrity: Office of Judicial Integrity
One Columbus Circle, NE
Washington, DC 2054